My thoughts on playing Hole 2 at Lunchtime DCG in Portland, Oregon.
This hole plays across a fairly steep hillside with the uphill on your right. The tee is at the bottom and the shot requires you to gain roughly 40ft of elevation to reach the baskets. There is an OB road long left at the bottom of the hill, that usually only comes into play from long skipping hyzers or horrible rollouts. There is also an OB parking lot over the crest of the hill, but you should never be shanking that hard.
The short position is about 230ft long, but plays like 300 because of the elevation. Tee off with an Innova Destroyer. A large hyzer line that approaches the peak of the hill and fades back to the basket makes for an easy to replicate birdie. The main thing to be aware of is grabbing an edge on a low throw and getting a cut roller, otherwise the basket is just waiting for you out in the open. If you need to make an upshot on the basket make sure to land your disc flat to the hillside and perhaps a touch downhill to make for an easier put.
The long position is about 30ft further than the short and is tucked away in the trees. Tee off with an Innova Destroyer. Take nearly the same line as on the shorter hole, but put a little more mustard on the disc and throw a bit lower to try skipping in towards the basket. The basket is fairly protected and the only chances for birdie putts are from inside the ring of trees or from the short basket position. I often find myself laying up for a 3 from about 50ft out. You can also try a hyzer-flip line and directly attack the basket. This does make the hole a bit more reachable, but reading the wind wrong can leave you with a cut roller or maybe a date with that distant OB.